Meteor3/TOMS August 2006 The datafiles in these subdirectories came from the Meteor3 TOMS instrument and were generated by the TOMS science processing system at NASA/GSFC. Data files: data/ozone/Yyyyy/L3_ozone_m3t_yyyymmdd.txt These are Meteor3/TOMS ozone data files for year yyyy with naming convention L3_ozone_m3t_yyyymmdd.txt, Level-3 gridded data from year yyyy, month mm and day dd. Details of this format are explained in the METEOR3_USERGUIDE.PDF, available in the parent directory of this path. Some format information is provided in ASCII file FORMAT.DOC in this directory. data/reflectivity/Yyyyy/L3_reflc_m3t_yyyymmdd.txt Meteor3 reflectivity data in same format as ozone data files. A Fortran stub program, RDGRID.FOR, for reading these ASCII gridded ozone and reflectivity data files, is provided in this directory. ............................................................................. data/overpass/OVPxxx_m3t.txt A subset (seconds UT, latitude, longitude, total ozone, surface reflectivity, solar zenith angle, aerosol index, SOI index, etc) of Meteor3 data specific to a particular latitude-longitude location. xxx designates a numerical site location as listed in file "1SITELIST" in the 'overpass' directory. Fortran statements that can be used to read the 1st header record and the data records in the OVPxxx files are the following: For the header record: CHARACTER*28 site_name INTEGER*4 site_id, site_alt REAL*4 site_lat, site_lon Read(lun,2) site_name, site_id, site_lat,site_lon, site_alt 2 Format(A30,4X,I3,7X,F7.2,7X,F7.2,7X,I4) and for the data records: Format(F7.1,1X,I4,1X,I3,1X,I5,2X,I2,1X,F6.2,1X,F7.2,1X, I3,1X,I3,1X,F5.2,1X,F5.1,1X,F5.1,1X,F6.2,1X,I4) 1README, in this directory, provides more information about the OVPxxx_m3t files. ............................................................................... data/zonal_means/zm_month.m3t and zmday_YY.m3t Zonal mean averages of the version 7 Meteor3 ozone data. The monthly zonal means are in the file zm_month.m3t, while the daily zonal means are in file named for each year, for example, zmday_91.m3t. The averages are for 5 degree latitude zones, area weighted. The Fortran statements that wrote the header and data records of file zm_month are the following: CHARACTER*69 MONLAB Data MONLAB/'Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep & Oct Nov Dec'/ do 20 j=1,37 lat(j)=-95 + 5*j 20 continue write(22,'(8x,A69)') MONLAB DO 300 IZ=1,36 write(22,'(I3,I4,12f6.1)') lat(IZ),lat(IZ+1),(ozm(IM,IZ),IM=1,12) 300 CONTINUE write(22,'(I3,I4,12f6.1)') -65,0,(ozm(IM,37),IM=1,12) write(22,'(I3,I4,12f6.1)') 0,65,(ozm(IM,38),IM=1,12) write(22,'(I3,I4,12f6.1)') -65,65,(ozm(IM,39),IM=1,12) The Fortran statement that wrote the data records of the zmday_YY files is: write(21,'(A12,F9.3,1X,36F6.1,3X,3F6.1)') date,yd,zmd ............................................................................... If these data are downloaded and used in publication, please give proper credit to the NASA/GSFC TOMS Ozone Processing Team (OPT). For more information concerening Meteor3 data files, contact Dr. Jay R. Herman Code 613.3 NASA/Goddard Space Flight Center Greenbelt, Md. 20771