August 2006 This directory contains daily PNG images of Meteor-3 Version 8 TOMS gridded ozone and reflectivity data. images/global/Yyyyy/IM_ozgbl_m3t_yyyymmdd.png (yyyy=1991 to 1994) images/npole/Yyyyy/IM_oznpl_m3t_yyyymmdd.png images/spole/Yyyyy/IM_ozspl_m3t_yyyymmdd.png Daily global ozone PNG images (Hammer-Aitoff projection), daily north polar ozone PNG images (orthographic projection), and daily south polar ozone PNG images (orthographic projection). These are Meteor-3/TOMS Version 8 data from year yyyy, month mm and day dd. images/reflectivity/Yyyyy/IM_reflc_m3t_yyyymmdd.png Daily cylindrical equidistant images of reflectivity data. If these images are downloaded and used in publication, please give proper credit to the NASA/GSFC TOMS Ozone Processing Team. For more information on the Meteor-3/TOMS dataset, contact Dr. Jay R. Herman Code 613.3 NASA/GSFC Greenbelt, MD 20771